The Power of Brand Identity for Cambodia Business
16 December 2020
By: Seyha Chan

Brand identity is a collection of brand features, which create certain feelings and experiences with the brand. Brand identity consists of all marketing elements including logos, patterns, tagline or slogan, typography, colors, packaging, messaging, and social media post. With a combination of these elements, businesses could produce a new marketing strategy plan in order to attract new customers and to make existing customers feel belonging. The definition itself shows that local businesses should have the brand identity for their business, so why is it important to develop the brand identity for your business?
1. The ‘’Face’’ of your business
A strong brand identity builds up ‘’Face’’ of your business. Marketers need to make it more unique and different from other businesses as well as competitors. Brand identity indicates how your brand is different. Thus, local businesses should invest in a unique brand identity to show that gives pride to your business.
2. Visibility and Trust
To build your brand more powerful in the marketplace is to have a unique brand identity. Your brand identity needed to be consistent. Therefore, it could develop visibility among competitors and trust among customers.
3. Advertising Impressions
Advertising is very crucial for business. A brand identity produces a consistent message for businesses to use on advertisement materials that make an impression on potential customers.
4. Your Brand’s Mission
When you create an identity for your brand, you are creating an image of your company. Brand identity gives your company a purpose. With the purpose, your business will reach its goal and grow sale.
5. Generating new customers and delighting existing ones
A unique brand identity generates new customers and then once these people become your customers, it also gives them a sense of belonging. Marketers should bear in mind that a good product creates customers, but a good brand creates support. As a result, your business will stand out and beloved brand names in the marketplace.
In conclusion, your brand deserves a unique look to differentiate from other businesses and its competitor. A local business should reconsider and invest in brand identity design to stay competitive locally and internationally.