Over Under is a lifestyle space, a design library and a furniture showroom curated to honor art, design, creativity, craftsmanship, functionality and space. The name, Over Under, comes from the idea of sharing of spaces or spaces that are in between and adjacent of one another. These spaces are eventually becoming a collection of ideas, furniture, are, architecture, craft and design. Over Under encourages multi-disciplinary approach to look into a designed SPACE or IDEA.
With the duty of establishing an exclusive brand for Over Under, a lifestyle space and furniture specialist, Kouprey Creative Solutions took the opportunity to polish a sleek and timeless visual identity. Materials across different mediums, from internal stationery to prints for marketing to digital, were developed by us in a cohesive manner to ensure impactful branding for the furniture design company.
• Client: Over Under
• Sector: Design | Furniture
• Design: Logo + Branding
• Year: 2019